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The Corrigan House

Care you can trust, comfort you'll feel.

What Is Included in Palliative Care?

nurse holds the hand of a senior while explaining what is involved with palliative care services

Palliative care is a specialized type of care that focuses on relieving pain and stress for seniors dealing with serious illnesses, such as cancer, chronic heart disease, or other life-limiting diseases. Palliative care can provide comfort and aid for seniors and their families during difficult times. This type of care is available in numerous locations, including homes, hospitals, long-term care facilities, and other health centers.

At The Corrigan House, we offer palliative care services for seniors. Our palliative care program helps seniors manage their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. We provide individualized care plans designed to meet each senior’s specific needs. Don’t hesitate to contact us at 570.956.0463 about how our palliative care services can help you or the senior in your life.

How Does Palliative Care Services Help Seniors?

Palliative care helps seniors in many ways. First, it helps with symptom management by providing medications to reduce pain or other symptoms that may be causing discomfort or distress. Additionally, it can help with emotional support by providing counseling services to help seniors cope with the emotional aspects of their illness.

Finally, palliative care teams will work with the family to create an individualized care plan that meets each senior’s unique needs. This includes coordinating medical treatments and attending doctor visits with the patient when needed.

What Is Included in Palliative Care?

Palliative care provides comfort and relief from physical and emotional symptoms associated with severe illnesses. Generally speaking, palliative care includes physical therapy to help seniors:

  • Maintain mobility
  • Nutrition counseling to ensure proper nutrition
  • Social work assistance
  • Emotional support for patients and family members
  • Hospice care when needed
  • Spiritual guidance for those seeking it out

Ultimately, palliative care services help seniors maintain quality of life and enjoy the time they have left in comfort and with support.

Importance of a Palliative Care Program for Seniors

When a senior is facing a life-limiting illness, or the end of their life journey nears, many decisions must be made regarding:

  • Treatment options
  • Living arrangements (e.g., hospice vs. homecare)
  • Legal issues (e.g., advance directives)

All while maintaining the quality of life as much as possible in this challenging season of life. That’s why access to quality palliative care services is so important—it helps provide comfort physically and emotionally during this difficult time. The goal is not only to improve the quality of life but also to ensure that each senior’s wishes are respected throughout their journey towards death if they choose not to receive aggressive medical treatments for their ailment or condition during the final days of life.

Palliative care offers much-needed comfort and relief for seniors facing severe illnesses or end-of-life issues. It has been proven that having access to palliative care services can make all the difference in helping seniors live out their final days as comfortably as possible. It also ensures that they always have dignity and respect along the way, no matter their path—whether they pursue aggressive treatments or decide not to receive any further treatment near the end stages of life.

Contact The Corrigan House About Palliative Care Services

Regarding palliative care services for seniors facing serious illnesses, the team at The Corrigan House is here to help. Our staff works with each senior and their families to create individualized care plans to meet each person’s specific needs. At our personal care home, we strive to ensure our residents receive the highest-quality care possible and are treated with respect, dignity, and compassion at all times.

Don’t hesitate to contact us at The Corrigan House about how our palliative care services can help you or the senior in your life. Our expertise and experience can provide your loved one with the best care as they face this tough time. Contact us today at 570.956.0463 to learn more about how we can help.